In 2017, the Claneil Foundation approved the creation of a Timely Designated Fund as a response to imminent funding cuts and the increased challenges facing non-profit organizations due to changes at the federal level.

Recipient organization National Young Farmers’ Coalition (NYFC) has just released its 2016 Annual Report, which includes a firm commitment to racial equity and ending violence in the food system.  NYFC’s mission is to represent, mobilize, and engage young farmers to ensure their success.

The report states: “The core mission of the National Young Farmers Coalition is to shift policies and remove structural barriers to make it possible for the next generation of farmers and ranchers to succeed. We focus on core issues such as land and capital, but we have failed to address race—an issue that may easily outrank any other for young farmers of color.”

Click here to read the full statement.

Click here to read the annual report.